Friday, April 23, 2010

Trip to DC!

On April 16, freshman student, Ashley Davis-Kimmel, headed to Baltimore and Washington, D.C. to discuss with legislators two different bills. Chosen by the National Federation of the Blind, Ashley was one of twenty-five students with visual impairments from across the country selected to participate in their LAW Program, Leadership and Advocacy in Washington. Ashley, along with her teacher of the visually impaired, Amy Lund, spent six days in Washington. The group discussed current and future issues that people with visual disabilities have and how to address them to bring about change. After a day of sight seeing at the Washington Mall, the group prepared to speak to their state representatives. In groups of four, the students met with members of their representative's office to discuss HR734, Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act, and HR4533, Technology Bill of Rights Act. The Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act focuses on looking for options to make Hybrid and Electric cars more audible for pedestrians who are blind. The Technology Bill of Rights Act deals with the inaccessibility of current 'touch technology' for people with visual impairments. The overall experience was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Ashley!

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