Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wedding Bells!

Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Dave and Christa! We are excited for our trip out to Ft. Collins. It should be a fun packed weekend! Dan is trying to find a creative costume for the Tour de Fat. I am looking forward to see Dan ride a bike, while drinking some great Fat Tire; should prove to be entertaining. The wedding will be Sunday and I am sure we will be posting pictures quickly. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the Lund's, seems like it's been awhile since we were all together.

On the other side of the family, lots of prayers and good thoughts are heading to Melissa, Shaun and Bryce. We found out a week ago that Shaun has colon cancer. He returned home today after a week's stay at the hospital to recuperate from his surgery and prepare to fight like crazy. Shaun is young, healthy and very motivated to be a survivor for a very very long time. LOVE YOU SHAUN!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Baby Jack Will Hate Me When He's Older

I think the title says it all! Enjoy this special moment!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Future Cub?

Some random footage taken of Sarah catching and throwing a ball during Baby Jack's party in July. - Dan

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dr. Thal's Presentation - Original

This is the original footage of Melissa Thal's public defense at the University of Alabama Birmingham. Please Enjoy.


Dr. Thal's presentation

Dr Thal Public Defense from Dan Lund on Vimeo.

Melissa Thal's final presentation of her work at University of Alabama Birmingham.