Sunday, February 22, 2009

Amy's Presentation!

I have to take a moment and brag about Amy!

She's presenting at the Illinois Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired conference. Amy has the unique honor of being one of a few teachers of the visually impaired to be National Board Certified in the entire nation!

Way to go!


P90x - Bob's Buff Body Mission

Before Christmas, everyone sent out their Christmas lists. Topping Bob's list was P90x - an extreme home training program. In the typical Lund fashion, comments followed from far and near. David said, "Please say no!" Beth quickly replied, "Say it was a mistake. Say it was a joke. Please just say no!" Even Bob's wife had some quick wit for Bob when Donna said, "Heaven help us all!"

Well, Christmas came and Bob got his "lean mean, fighting machine" fitness program. Here is a before picture of Bob taken few days after the holidays....

I'm interested to hear about Bob's progress.
