Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ethan's Very Excited Christmas!

Check out this video of my nephew, Ethan! He was very excited about all of his gifts this year! He tore open each present and then looked for the next one. I think Donna and Bob will be thanking Jim for the next few months as Ethan enjoys his Nerf gun and drum!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Pierogi Fest 2008!

Before our day after Christmas, Christmas dinner, we celebrated with Pierogi Fest!  Bob, Donna, Olivia, Dan, Amy, Dave, Christa, Beth, Grand Mar and a sleeping Ethan helped to make several dozen pierogi!  Although this was a shortened Pierogi Fest, we managed to make some of our best pierogies!  Yum!

Dave and I made a short video about our special day! Busia would be proud!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fetus Lund- 16 Weeks
Full Body arm and hand
Leg and placenta Legs

I had my doctor appointment today; everything is looking great! The heart beat was at 158 bpm and the little Lund is in breach position, for now. The spine is looking nicely and all of the limbs look LONG. The picture of the leg and the placenta shows the nice gentle kicks to my bladder that I have been feeling lately. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I just wanted to share an update. I am now 16 weeks along and feeling pretty well. I never had bad morning sickness, just occasional nausea. I am starting to get my energy back and getting some Christmas shopping done finally. 

It is so nice to have everyone know about the baby now. It was KILLING me keeping it a secret for so long. If Dan had his way, we wouldn't have shared the news til July, which doesn't quite work since I am due in May.

People have asked about gender and nursery stuff. We are not planning on finding out the sex of the baby until the birth. The nursery theme will be moons and stars.